Japanese Children’s Games

- Tag
- Color Tag
- Spiral Tag
- Come here “It”
- Hiding “It”
- Hide and Seek
- Stepping on Shadows
- Wood Tag
- Ice Tag
- The Injury Tag
- “Get the Shoe!” Tag
- Piggyback Ride Janken
- Catching Finger
- Janken Train
- Catch the Tail
- Giving the Hula-hoops
- Fruit Basket
- Anything Goes Basket
- Janken Basket
- Drop the Handkerchief Game
- Musical Chairs
- Bomb Game
- Who Is It? Game
- Down, Down
- The Clapping Game
- 60 Seconds
- Janken Tournament
- The Teleportation Game
- Sending a Sign Game
- Command Jumping Game
- Para-balloon with a Sheet
- Face Moving Game
- Handcart Race
- The Handcart “Janken”
A team competition games
- Go Under a Rope
- Turning Over Race
- Sending Balls
- Carrying a Ball Relay
- Carrying a Balloon Relay
- Balloon Rally
- Fan the Balloon Game
- Balloon Volleyball
- Newspaper Tower
- Ball-Toss Game with an Umbrella
- Hula Hoop Relay
- The Gesture Game
- Drawing Pictures Relay Game
- Box carrying Relay
- Piling up Boxes Game
Game for small number of people
- Bean Carrying Game
- Can Piling Up Game
- Stick Balancing Game
- Cookie on Your Forehead
- The”Ken, Ken, Pa!”Game
- Long Breath Game
- Catch Balls on Your Back Game
- Blindfold Balance Game
- Ping-Pong Soccer
- Get the Handkerchief Game
- Balloon Badminton
Mini games
- Plastic Drink Bottle Bowling
- Plastic Drink Bottle Quoits
- Plastic Drink Bottle Darts
- Frog Jumping Game
- Cardboard Frisbee
- Can Fishing
- Hit the Can with a Ball Game
- Whack-a-Mole
- The Arm Wrestling Machine
- Beanbag Throwing Game
- Dropping Coins into Water Game
- Three Shell Game
- Kick Slippers into Basket Game
- Ping-Pong Cup in Game
- Throwing the Garbage Game
- Throwing Sticks Game
- The Newspaper Darts Game
- Scooping Turtles Game
- Octopus Fishing Game
- The Martian Attack Game
- Conquest the Ghosts with an Air Gun Game
- How to make a turtle from a plastic bottle cap
- Making a Frog with a Plastic Bottle
- How to make an octopus from a toilet paper tube
- How to make an air gun with a cardboard box
- How to Make an Air Gun with a Plastic Bottle
No categories
Link to website pages in Japanese https://45mix.net/
In this website, we introduce Japanese children’s games.
Maybe, you have similar games in your country too.
Children can enjoy games even the country or culture is different.
There will be children’s playground all over the world, in many places.
We prepare the surroundings to all children that they can do many games and know many games and that they can choose whatever they want to play.
Shingo papa
Representative of this website “Mixed Juichu”. Have two children. Administrate and manage this website.
My dream is making surroundings that all children can do many games and know many games and that they can choose whatever they want to play.
I don’t understand English. So if you want to contact me, please send e-mail in Japanese.
Dorothy AT
Have two children. Translator. English teacher for Japanese children. Lived in Australia in the childhood. Always ran around outdoors with barefeet and often climbed trees in those days. Love places that you can play as you like.
The mascot character of “Mixed Juichu”. Four years old girl.
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