Carrying a Ball Relay

Carrying a Ball Relay (2)

Japanese page : Carrying a Ball Relay

How to play and the rules

Make two teams and each team makes two lines.

First, the top two children get the ball.

Start the Game

The two children cooperate and carry the ball to the turning point and come back.

When you come back to the beginning point, you give the ball to the next two children and take turns.

If you drop the ball, pick it up and start again from the children who dropped it.

The variations of carrying balls

There are many ways to carry balls.

Carrying a Ball Relay (1)

Stand face to face, hold two sticks and put the ball on the sticks.

Carrying a Ball Relay (4)

Stand back to back and put a ball between two childrens’ back and walk sideways.

Carrying a Ball Relay (2)

Two children hold a towel and put a ball on it.

Carrying a Ball Relay (3)

Two children hold hands and put a ball on them.

Know-how and the Points

Instead of a ball, you can use a balloon.

Things we use

big balls, cones for the turning point