Ping-Pong Soccer

This is a soccer game with a Ping-Pong ball and newspaper.

Ping-Pong Soccer-c

English page : Ping-Pong Soccer

Preparations and how to make materials

Make players.

Ping-Pong Soccer (11)

Roll flyers to a stick and stick it with sticky tape.

Ping-Pong Soccer (12)

Cut the stick to about twenty centimeters long. Make some.

Ping-Pong Soccer (1)

Then, cut out the soccer player’s photo from newspapers or magazines.

Ping-Pong Soccer (2)

Stick the player’s photo to the stick.

Ping-Pong Soccer (3)

Make goals.

Cut a milk carton in half.

Fold the spout inside and stick it.

Ping-Pong Soccer (4)

Lay the milk cartons down and make a soccer field.

Ping-Pong Soccer (5)

How to play and the rules

Put your index finger into the player stick.

Ping-Pong Soccer (6)

Flick your index finger and hit the Ping-Pong ball and get the competitor’s goal.

Ping-Pong Soccer (7)

Ping-Pong Soccer (8)

Ping-Pong Soccer (9)

Ping-Pong Soccer (10)

Decide the game time and rules, then play.

Things we use

newspapers, flyers, milk cartons, a Ping-Pong ball, sticky tape, scissors

  1. cigdem より:

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    waiting for more and more ….