The Handcart “Janken”

Do the “Janken” in the handcart position.

The handcart Janken-c

Japanese page : The Handcart “Janken”

How to play and the rules

Make pairs.

The front child puts hands on the floor and stretch his body.

The child in the back holds the front child’s both ankles at his waist.

And wait in this handcart position.

Start the game

Walk in the handcart position and do the Janken with other pairs.

Remind how many times you won.

Walk around and do the Janken with many other pairs.

After 30 seconds, change the front and back position.

Repeat doing the handcart Janken.

After the next 30 seconds, stop the Janken and everybody sits.

The pair that most won is the champion.

Know-how and the points

Move lot and do the Janken as much as possible, then you can win.

You can’t do the Janken continuously with the same pair.