Down, Down

Down, Down-c2

Japanese page : Down, Down

How to play and the rules

Everybody sings “What fell? What fell? What did fell?”

Down, Down-c3

The leader says one from “thunder”, “ceiling”, and “apple”.

Down, Down-c4

The other children strike a pose which the leader said.

Down, Down1-c1thunder

When the leader says, “Thunder!”, you strike a pose of hiding your bellybutton.

Down, Down1-c2ceiling

When the leader says, “Ceiling!”, you strike a pose of holding your head.

Down, Down1-c3apple

When the leader says, “Apple!”, you strike a pose of catching it.

When you did a wrong pose, you lose.

Repeat this.

Know-how and the Points

The leader can make a feint, like saying “Apple!” and strike a pose of holding his head or, saying “Ceiling!” and strike a pose of hiding the bellybutton.

Try not to be lured.

You can create the other poses and play.

Information about the thunder.

In Japan, we believe that there lives a god in the thundercloud called “The Kaminari-sama”.

It is said that if the Kaminari-sama can see your bellybutton, he will take it. That means, you have to wear your clothes properly not to catch cold.