Making a Frog with a Plastic Bottle

You can make a toy frog from a plastic drink bottle.

Making a Frog with a Plastic Bottle-c (11)

Japanese page : Making a Frog with a Plastic Bottle

Making a Frog with a Plastic Bottle-c (1)

Things we use

500ml plastic drink bottle, a permanent marker, a cutter, scissors

Making a Frog with a Plastic Bottle-c (2)

How to make it

Draw a line (about 5cm from the nose to the bottom) to cut off, on the bottle.Then,draw a frog’s face.

Making a Frog with a Plastic Bottle-c (3)

Cut off the under parts of the bottle.

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Cut along the line with scissors.

Making a Frog with a Plastic Bottle-c (5)

If you use a round shaped plastic bottle, it’ll be more like a frog.

Making a Frog with a Plastic Bottle-c (4)

Fold the frog’s body in half and crease it well.

Making a Frog with a Plastic Bottle-c (6)

Fold the feet part forward in half and crease.

Making a Frog with a Plastic Bottle-c (7)

When you see from the side, it looks like “Z” shape.

Making a Frog with a Plastic Bottle-c (8)


Making a Frog with a Plastic Bottle-c (9)

Press down the bottom of the frog with your finger.

Making a Frog with a Plastic Bottle-c (10)

When you press downwards and flick it, the frog will jump high.

It jumps diagonally about 50cm.

There’s more to play

I created a game using the plastic bottle frog. The “Frog Jumping Game