The Newspaper Darts Game

This is a game to let the newspaper stick go through some holes.


Japanese page : The Newspaper Darts Game

Preparations and how to make the materials

Roll newspapers and stick the end with sticky tape.

Put a plastic string to the end.


Make some target holes to a cardboard.

Hang the cardboard.

Decide a starting line to throw the ball, and put curing tape on the floor.


How to play and the rules.

Throw the newspaper stick to the target holes.

When the stick went through the holes, you can get a point or a prize.

You can decide the quantity of the sticks.

Know-how and the points

You can write points on the target like “10 points”, “50 points”, and compete the total points you get.

Things we use

newspapers, sticky tape, a cardboard, plastic strings, strings to hang the cardboard, a cutter