This is a game that you flick a plastic toy frog and put it into a cup.
Japanese page : Frog Jumping Game
You make a toy frog with a plastic drink bottle.
Please see “Making a Frog with a Plastic Bottle” to make the toy frog.
Things we use
cardboard box, a cutter, scissors, a permanent marker, cups, a toy frog
Preparations and how to make materials
Cut the cardboard to make a big wall. You put it to the back.
The frog which jumped much hits the wall and rebounds.
Use the extra cardboard and cut like the picture above.
Cut the bottom of the cardboard for the wall little bit and join them.
Cut the other end like the previous end and let stand the wall.
Write points with the permanent marker to cups of jelly, yogurts, and so on. Put them in front of the wall.
Make a lower wall near you. That’s it! Finished!
How to play and the rules
Flick the plastic frog with your finger and let it jump over the lower wall.
When the frog gets into a cup, you can get a point written on the cup.