Drop the Handkerchief Game

Drop the Handkerchief Game-c1

Japanese page : Drop the Handkerchief Game

How to play and the rules

Choose one “It”.

All the children except the “It” sits in a circle facing inside.

Drop the Handkerchief Game-c2

Start the Game

The “It” walks out side of the circle in clockwise holding a handerkerchief.

Drop the Handkerchief Game-c3

The “It” drops the handkerchief in the back of a child not to be noticed and continue walking.

Drop the Handkerchief Game-c4

The children cannot look back.

After the “It” had past, you can check your back by your hands.

Drop the Handkerchief Game-c5

When you find the handkerchief, pick it up and chase the “It” and touch him.

The “It” runs.

When the “It” could make a round and came back to the blank space where he dropped the handkerchief, he can sit there. Then the child who has the handkerchief will be “It”.

Drop the Handkerchief Game-c6

When the “It” was touched, he has to do the “It” again.

When the child who has been dropped the handkerchief didn’t notice it and had been touched by the “It”,
he will be “It”.

Continue this.


When the child who has been dropped the handkerchief didn’t notice it and had been touched by the “It”,he will sit in the center of the circle.

We call this place (the center of the circle) “Toilet”.

The child who is sitting in the “Toilet” cannot play until next child comes to the “Toilet”.

Know-how and the Points

Be careful not to be too excited and injured.